Merchant Navy Medical Test Full Details
If you’re considering a career in the Merchant Navy, it’s essential to understand the Merchant Navy medical test requirements. There are multiple medical criteria that must be met when considering joining the Merchant Navy. An aspirant must follow several criteria to qualify for becoming a Merchant Navy officer.
Below all the required details for the Merchant Navy is given, please go through it and see if you are healthy enough to join the Merchant Navy.
Merchant Navy Medical Test Fees:

The medical test for joining the Merchant Navy typically costs around ₹5,500 to ₹7,000. However, here’s the good news: the company will refund this cost after your joining. As seafarers are more prone to illness with increasing age, some companies may include advanced tests and vaccines, which could raise the cost to around ₹9,000 to ₹10,000. Keep in mind that maintaining good health is crucial for a successful maritime career!
Merchant Navy Medical Test Video:
Check out this video based on the real-life experience of a merchant navy officer. In this video you can learn about all the necessary details about the medical test of Merchant Navy.
Merchant Navy Medical Test Requirements in India:

As for the Merchant Navy Medical Test Requirements below, given factors should be considered by the Merchant Navy aspirants. To travel in a ship for almost half a year a Merchant Navy officer should be free from any given issues below –
- Constitution and Physical Fitness:
- You must be in good mental and physical health.
- Weight should be above 42 kg, and height should be above 150 cm.
- Chest should have a minimum expansion range of 5 cm.
- For female applicants, height and weight requirements can be reduced by 5 cm and 3 kg, respectively.
- Skeletal System:
- No bone or joint diseases, deformities, or abnormal curvatures.
- Fractures (healed) with pins inside are disqualifications.
- Ear, Nose, and Throat:
- No impaired hearing, unhealed perforation of the eardrum, or nasal diseases.
- Teeth should not interfere with efficient mastication.
- No severe pyorrhea.
- Speech:
- No impediment (e.g., stammering).
- Lymphatic System:
- No enlarged glands due to diseases.
- Thyroid gland should be normal.
- Cardiovascular System:
- No heart or blood vessel diseases.
- Electrocardiogram (ECG) should be within normal limits.
- Blood pressure limits: Systolic ≤ 150 mm Hg, Diastolic ≤ 90 mm Hg.
- Respiratory System:
- No chronic respiratory diseases or pulmonary tuberculosis.
- No history of lung diseases.
Also Read: Medical Test Process for Merchant Navy Full Details | MarineGuruji
Merchant Navy Height and Weight Chart:

Apart from the medical tests there are also height and weight eligibility criteria required for the Merchant Navy. A candidate should fulfill the required criteria to join the Merchant Navy.
Height Qualification:
- The minimum height requirement for males is 157 cm.
- For females, the minimum height criterion is 145 cm.
- If you belong to hilly areas or the northeastern region of India, you are provided a relaxation of up to 5 cm.
- Keep in mind that these standards may differ from colleges to shipping companies. For example, IMS Goa has a minimum height requirement of 158 cm1.
Weight Qualification:
- Taking care of your health is essential to avoid rejection during the medical examination.
- Doctors use the Body Mass Index (BMI) to assess weight.
- The BMI is:
BMI=Weight (in kg) / Height (in meters)^2
- According to the World Health Organization (WHO):
- BMI should not exceed 30.
- A score less than 18 indicates being underweight.
- A score between 25-30 indicates being overweight.
- In the Merchant Navy, obesity is a direct rejection.
- If your BMI falls between 25-30, shipping companies may provide time to achieve the ideal score between 18-25.
- In cases where a candidate appears buff due to higher bone density but has a BMI above 30, doctors assess fitness using Treadmill Tests. These tests evaluate muscle mass and overall fitness.
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